The move to electronic payments and increased use of mobile phones gave rise to CDF Canberra developing the Qkr! Parish App. The Mastercard and CBA backed program is now offered at over twelve parishes in our Archdiocese. Parishes can utilise the App for weekend collections, sacramental program enrolment & payment, parish events and fundraising. Our regular Archdiocesan Special Collections are also made available for parishioner’s payments. Some parishioner comments on their user experience :
“As we move to a more cashless society the Qkr App is an easy and convenient way to support my parish. I use the app each week to contribute to the two traditional collections at Mass, to support the clergy and the parish”. Tim Elliott, Mary Help of Christians Parish, South Woden.
“I rarely use cash these days and so enjoy using the Qkr! app. I find it a convenient and easy way to make regular contributions to my parish. Unlike direct debit arrangements, it gives me the flexibility to alter my payments easily as my financial situation allows.” Don Smith, Mary Help of Christians Parish, South Woden.